Anders Petersen is one of the most influential European photographers since the publication of Café Lehmitz in the '70s, with his intimate and direct images. In this volume are collected photos of his three trips to Rome in 1984, in 2005 (at the Rome Rome Photography - International Festival in Rome) and finally in 2012. These three personal diaries merge with one with the " another and the tensions and energies of two winters and a summer blend, going to form a single story for thirty years that for much of the Swedish photographer's career. And this is thanks to this so large part of time, in such a limited geographical context, that we can consider the photos of Rome in this book as a privileged observation of Petersen's work, thus appreciating the consistency of an extremely cohesive working body, both in the approach than in the realization.
Anders Petersen, Rome
Hardcover, 20,5x29,5 cm, 120 pages | Punctum Press | ISBN: 978-88-95410-21-0